This is the story of Nick Morrow. He is an Asian American lieutenant in
charge of 47 Echo. Set in the future, the units are made up of convicts.
Due to the Convict Conscript Act, prisoners are used almost as human
shields to the regular forces. To Nick, his unit are his friends and he
will guard them with his life. China is at war with the US and now Nick
and his rag tag unit are being sent on an almost suicide mission to
Shanghai. Can he complete the objective and get everyone out alive or is
everyone doomed?
This was a great, action filled story. I loved the characters and I
felt for them, always being sent on suicide missions as they were seen
as being expendable. The pace was fast and the action unrelenting. The
story itself was an interesting one, set in the future. It was a future
however that anyone could recognise (apart from the China/Russia war
with the US!). The characters were believable, and Nick stood out as the
hero, who, having paid his dues, had earned the right to lead his team
as a regular Marine. I enjoyed this very much and would be happy to read
more from this author.
Neat, tight, and concise for any adventure lover.