Wednesday 26 October 2011

Wizard of Time by Sue Owen

This is a time travelling story. 3 teenagers are abruptly taken from their own times and brought to a wizard who needs help returning Excalibur to King Arthur, after it was stolen. They are given animal companions and new powers to help them on their quest.

I am a great fan of this type of story, I think the possibilities are endless. I also am very interested in the Arthurian legend, so to me this was a winner before I had even started! I loved the characters, and their animal companions were very endearing. I particularly liked the white tiger. the story moved at a good pace, and my fingers were constantly clicking the next page button to see what happened next.

This is aimed at the YA market but I think it would appeal to readers of all ages. I recommend it, particularly if you like the sort of dungeons and dragons type of story. This will have you gripped from page one.

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