Wednesday 27 November 2013

Once Upon A Time by Matt Shaw

This is the story of Peter's (from The Peter Chronicles) early years. It charts his life from early on until he is fifteen. Seen through both Peter and his mother's eyes, the story tells of his upbringing and home life.

This was a great way to peek into the early life of a monster. The story really goes a long way to making the reader understand how and why Peter turned out to be the monster he became. Some parts were quite difficult to read, especially as I am a mum myself, but they had to be told in order to get a true sense of the horrors Peter grew up enduring. Again the pace belted along, and the characters felt a bit like old friends (If you can call a psychopath an old friend!) and we all like to get a bit of background on our friends don't we?  Another great addition to The Peter Chronicles.

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