Sunday 28 September 2014

The Exiled by William Meikle

This is the story of John Grainger. He is the detective in charge of investigating the disappearance of several young girls. With the girls seemingly disappearing into thin air and the brutalised bodies of swans left at the scene, he has nothing to go on and more girls go missing. His brother, Alan is a reporter and he stumbles on the story. Deciding to come at it from a different angle, they come together and find there is far more to this than initially meets the eye. Will they find out where the girls have gone, or will more go missing before it is too late?

This starts off as a police procedural crime thriller, but about a third of the way through it takes a sharp turn into the supernatural. The swing though, is so subtle, it feels perfectly natural. The pace is fast and kept me glued to the book over 2 sittings. The characters were spot on and the addition of gritty Scottish slang added another layer of realism. I have read many of Willie's books now, and always look forward to a new one with baited breath. This was no exception. I cannot wait for another new one now!

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