Sunday 29 April 2012

Sinema 2 - Sympathy for the Devil by Rod Glenn

This is the second story featuring Han Whitman. This is the sequel to Sinema - The Northumberland Massacre. it is necessary to read the first as this one carries on about a year after the first finished. This time around Han is attempting retribution for the events of Haydon by turning vigilante and murdering bad guys. With sole survivor of Haydon, Carol, and Detective Wright's son Will after him plus a budding relationship and a mysterious helper, can he achieve Phase 2 of the experiment successfully?

Well, this was a belter. Phase 2 of the experiment is under-way and Han has to kill the best part of 400 bad guys to even out Haydon. Yin and Yang if you will. There wasn't really a big cast in this one - really only about 8 main players and this meant that the writing was tight and tense throughout. The suspense was ramped up in this one with the mysterious 'helper' in the background. The budding relationship made the readers see Han's human side once again. The ending was actually quite sad. The gore was present and thick but only in the context of the killings. Totally recommend this if you have read the first. If you haven't why not??

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